Tidak berhenti pengalihan 50cc saja. Untuk memberikan dua pilihan kepada konsumen pada saat itu, membuat produsen mengambil inisiatif untuk memasukkan motor yang memiliki agak besar Publik. Pada tahun yang sama, Yamaha V75 autolube untuk mengimpor secara bebas diperjualkan diranahpermotoran negara kita. Dengan daya dukung mesin 73cc, dan dilengkapi dengandua ukuran teknologi, serta tetap mempertahankan sistem pencampuran minyakdengan sisi autolubenya. Adik dari V50, itu juga terlibat dalam bidang lapanganroda dua penjualan sepeda motor di Indonesia sampai tahun 1978. Karena padatahun itu dan atas, V50 dan V75 autolube telah berkembang menjadi autolube V80periode orbit berakhiran 1986.Autolube Yamaha V75.

Terakhir ... meskipun sekarang dapat dikatakan bermotor terancam punah, seperti 2 motor stroke lain. Kadang-kadang jika kita hidup di daerah pedesaanseperti saya, masih harus dapat melihat wara wiri, meskipun kondisi autolube 50 atau 75 adalah sangat memprihatinkan. Tapi harus diakui, perlahan tapi pastiadanya dua motor stroke akan dihancurkan oleh kehadiran motor 4-tak dengan teknologi yang katanya lebih ramah lingkungan dan konsumsi bahan bakarekonomis.
In English Language.
With two-step tech engine, 50cc - 70cc with air conditioning, using 3 gear, automatic clutch type wet, still rely platina with a 6V power source, and has the latest technology (time) in a matter of mixing the old system of fuel oil " autolube" . So the motor V50 and V75 (and later with a motorcycle Yamaha 2 stroke), for the use of oil is not blended into the fuel tangkibahan, but separate and uses its supply side of the oil pump moves come in accordance with the rotary engine. While the gas cap open and rev the engine up and down controls to adjust the flow of fuel to be mixed kebahan.Yamaha V50 autolube Gen 2
Not stopping diversion 50cc only. To give two options to the consumer at the time, making manufacturers take the initiative to include a motor that has a rather large public. In the same year, Yamaha V75 autolube to import freely diperjualkan diranahpermotoran our country. With a carrying capacity of 73cc engine, and equipped size of technology, as well as retaining the mixing system minyakdengan autolubenya side. Sister of V50, it is also involved in the field of two motorcycle sales in Indonesia until 1978. and over, V50 and V75 autolube has evolved into orbit V80periode autolube ending 1986.Autolube Yamaha V75.
And keep in mind, though adopting technology that is said to have distant second power stroke fuel consumption are greedy, it was rejected by both the motor. For a distance of 100 km, of course, in the need to autolube Yamaha V50 1.4lt fuel only, while the V75 is only in the need to autolube 1.6lt fuel only. This is achieved by the motor speeds be limited from 50 to 60 kilometers per hour. Yeahhh .... Not quite efficient again later, but it can be said to be efficient at all:-D.Autolube Yamaha V80 (CDI = 1982 s / d 1986).
Last ... although it can now be said motor endangered, like the other two stroke motors. Sometimes if we live in a rural area like me, still have to be able to see wara Wiri, although conditions autolube 50 or 75 is very alarming. But it must be admitted, slowly but surely the two stroke motors will be destroyed by the presence of 4-stroke engine with technology that he says is more environmentally friendly and economical fuel consumption.