Norton Model 9 (1920 )
Norton dengan sabuk transmisi penggerak langsung dari mesin crankshaft ke roda belakang. Tidak ada kopling atau gigi yang dipasang, mendorong mesin menghasilkan gerak maju segera dan berhenti akan dibuat untuk menarik pengangkat katup dan mesin mengulur-ulur. Beberapa dilengkapi dengan katrol ke Phillipson crankshaft. Pulley secara otomatis bervariasi 'gigi' di bawah pengaruh kecepatan dan torsi.
Belt langsung disukai oleh penggemar kecepatan mesin keras seperti inisepeda motor lebih ringan dari model dilengkapi dengan kopling dan gearbox. Nama-nama top untuk mesin ini adalah Brooklands Jalur Khusus, yang terakhir dilengkapi dengan mudguards dll seperti Norton dalam gambar. Mesin ini dijamin akan mampu balapan dengan kecepatan 70 sampai 75 MPH atas mil terbang, tokoh yang sangat baikt untuk mesin 500cc sidevalve.

Yamaha L2 G / L2 super  adalah sepeda motor yang diproduksi oleh Yamaha di Indonesia dari tahun 1976 sampai 1979. Pada tahun 1980 ia digantikan oleh Super L2.

Cc 97 dua-stroke engine menggunakan sistem pelumasan bernama autolube,dengan minyak yang terpisah dan tangki bahan bakar.

sangat mudah digunakan dan besar kekuatan.
dan begitu mengidolakan pada zamannya.

In English Language.

L2 is a Yamaha motorcycle produced by Yamaha in Indonesia from 1976 to 1979. In 1980 it was replaced by the Super L2.

97 cc two-stroke engine lubrication system uses named autolube, with separate oil and fuel tank.

very easy to use and great strength.
and so idolized in his day.

Sekilas motor 841 INDIAN (AMERICAN) dibuat untuk keperluan militer, sasis pengembangan mematuhiketegangan plunger, roda dan ban yang kuat sebagai Bobber menyapu,
Pengamat secara langsung sebanding dengan Harley-Davidson Forty aliasLima si750cc motor. akan dibandingkan,
karena sama bersama-sama dengan kapasitas 737cc dengan 25 horsepower .. maka bisa dianggap sebagai pesaing HD 750cc.

Overview of the motor is made ​​for military purposes, chassis development mematuhiketegangan plunger, strong wheels and tires as sweeping bobber,
Observers motor directly comparable to the Harley-Davidson Forty aliasLima si750cc. be compared,
because the same together with 737cc capacity with 25 horsepower power .. then it could be considered a competitor HD 750cc.

Di dunia balap lagi ... Lihat Rennsport pertama kali dibuat pada tahun 1945, balap spek mesin, 5 speedgearbox dan karburator Dell'Orto
Bahkan, beberapa eksperimen dibuat agar sesuai dengan unit injeksi yang menggunakan                  empat silinder pesaing.
Saat diuji di sirkuit, gagal terus ... sayangnya,
keputusasaan pada tahun 1956 GP Eropa pembalap Walter Zeller memenangkan runner-up, tidak, maka mereka mengikuti lomba lagi dua tahun kemudian ..

The racing world again ... See Rennsport first made in 1945, racing spec engine, 5-speedgearbox and Dell'Orto carburetor
In fact, some experiments were made to match the injection unit that uses a four-cylinder competitors.
When tested on the circuit, failing to hold ... unfortunately,
despair in 1956 the European Grand Prix rider Walter Zeller won a runner-up, are not, then they follow the race again two years later ..


Sepeda Motor diproduksi di 1925-1939 adalah lokomotif kereta yang sama ....
Kekuatan dari sekitar 16 daya kuda pada 3000rpm max rpm, dan kecepatan maksimum hanya
95 km / h.

Yang aneh di depan konstruksi yang menerapkan sistem lengan ayun sokbreaker, karena ada yang dilas ke poros lengan kejutan komstir poros ayunan menekan pada as roda depan, sehingga .... Untuk tertarik ke posisi semula, menempatkan spiral di atas lengan ayun.
Pad terbesar yang ada rims pada motor ini enam batang yang terbuat dari paduan aluminium ...
Wuihh ... ..

Motorcycles produced in 1925-1939 is the same train locomotive ....
Strength of about 16 horsepower at 3000rpm max rpm,  and a maximum speed of only 
95 km / h.

The strange thing in front of construction that apply sokbreaker swing arm system, because there are welded to the shock shaft sleeve pressing komstir swing pivot on the front axle, so .... To be attracted to its original position, put a spiral on top of the swing arm.
Pad greatest existing rims on this bike six bars made ​​of aluminum alloy ...
Wuihh ... ..

Motor ini pertama kali dibuat pada tahun 1903. perusahaan itu sendiri telah membuat sepeda sejak tahun 1898, untuk pertama kali dalam dua silinder mesin dua-langkah motor,
Pada saat itu para produsen membuat SCOTT dengan kapasitas mesin 333cc

This motor was first made in 1903. the company itself has been making bicycles since 1898, making his first two-cylinder engine is a two-step motors,
At that time the producers made ​​SCOTT with engine capacity of 333cc

Pada tahun 1954, sebuah perusahaan bernama Meguro membangun 500cc OHV kembar, yang disebut Senior. Ini menampilkan rantai belakang tertutup sepenuhnya, bertingkat tinggi setang bergaya, dua tingkat kursi, garpu teleskopik dan hub lebar penuh depan. Ini terjual dengan baik, terutama untuk polisi di Jepang. Pada tahun 1959, ia telah menjadi dikenal sebagai K1, dan merupakan copy pasti dari A7 BSA.
Kawasaki Meguro (JAPAN) Meguro "Senior" adalah paralel twin 650cc tahun 1950-an dan tidak disalin dari setiap tertentu make-Inggris. Diluncurkan sebagai T (retrospektif dikenal sebagai T1) T2 dan kemudian diperbarui. Beratberayun kelas-arm bingkai itu sendiri desain Meguro dan mirip dengan yang digunakan pada model 500cc silinder tunggal mereka Z7. Kabur fotojudul warna Anda "Versi lain dari Meguro" adalah T1 atau T2.
Meguro Salinan A7 BSA datang kemudian. Sekitar tahun 1960 pushrod Meguro tunggal diganti dengan model baru dan kembar overhead cam T2 BSA A7 500cc 650ccdengan copy disebut model K. BSA A7 akan berhenti dan beberapa sumber mengklaim bahwa lisensi BSA Meguro untuk menyalin. Foto hitam-putih di bagian bawah Anda Twin Kecepatan profil Triumphdan atas T Meguro bukan senior tapi K 500cc, retrospektif dikenal sebagai seorang K1.
Satu OHC adalah kegagalan komersial sehingga Meguro menggantinya dengan 250cc konstruksi unit yang disebut SG dan menjual saham di perusahaan untuk Kawasaki. Kawasaki mengambil alih sekitar tahun 1964 dan SG Meguro menjadiKawasaki. Kawasaki Meguro (JAPAN) memiliki beberapa masalah sebagai sirkulasi minyak sehinggadirevisi Kawasaki K2. K2 memiliki penutup yang lebih besar danbukan BSA-copy K bagian siklus memiliki gaya Jepang

In 1954, a company called Meguro build 500ccOHV twin, called Senior. It featured a fully enclosed rear chain, high-rise handlebars style, two-level seat, telescopic forks and a full width front hub. It sold well, especially to the police in Japan. In 1959, it has become known as K1, and is a definite copy of the BSA A7.
The Meguro "Senior" is a 650cc twin parallel the 1950's and not copied from any particular make-England. Launched as T (retrospectively known as T1) T2 and later updated it. Beratberayun class-arm frame was his own design Meguro and are similar to those used on their 500cc single cylinder models Z7. Fleeing your color fotojudul "Another version of Meguro" is T1 or T2.
Meguro A copy of the BSA A7 comes later. Around 1960 Meguro single pushrod replaced with new models and twin overhead cam T2 BSA A7 500cc 650ccdengan copy called the model K. BSA A7 about to stop and some sources claim that the BSA licensed Meguro to copy. Black and white photos at the bottom of your profile Triumphdan Speed ​​Twin above T Meguro not a senior but K 500cc, retrospectively known as a K1.
Single OHC was a commercial failure so Meguro replace it with a unit construction 250cc called SG and sell shares in the company to Kawasaki. Kawasaki took over around 1964 and SG Meguro menjadiKawasaki. K Meguro had some problems as the oil circulation sehinggadirevisi Kawasaki K2. K2 has a bigger cover danbukan BSA-copy K cycle parts have Japanese style

Dengan dua mesin langkah-tech, 50cc - 70cc dengan AC, menggunakan 3 tingkatperpindahan gigi, kopling jenis otomatis basah, masih mengandalkan pengapianplatina dengan 6V sumber daya listrik, serta memiliki teknologi terbaru (waktu itu)dalam hitungan pencampuran sisi minyak kesistem bahan bakar pengkabutandisebut autolube. Jadi motor V50 dan V75 (dan kemudian dengan produk sepeda motor Yamaha 2 stroke), untuk penggunaan minyak tidak dicampur ke sisi tangkibahan bakar, tetapi terpisah dan penyuplaiannya menggunakan sisi pompa minyak ikut bergerak sesuai dengan mesin rotary. Sementara topi gas terbuka dan putaran mesin atas dan bawah kontrol untuk menyesuaikan sisi debit bahan bakar minyak akan dicampur kebahan.Yamaha V50 autolube Gen 2
Tidak berhenti pengalihan 50cc saja. Untuk memberikan dua pilihan kepada konsumen pada saat itu, membuat produsen mengambil inisiatif untuk memasukkan motor yang memiliki agak besar Publik. Pada tahun yang sama, Yamaha V75 autolube untuk mengimpor secara bebas diperjualkan diranahpermotoran negara kita. Dengan daya dukung mesin 73cc, dan dilengkapi dengandua ukuran teknologi, serta tetap mempertahankan sistem pencampuran minyakdengan sisi autolubenya. Adik dari V50, itu juga terlibat dalam bidang lapanganroda dua penjualan sepeda motor di Indonesia sampai tahun 1978. Karena padatahun itu dan atas, V50 dan V75 autolube telah berkembang menjadi autolube V80periode orbit berakhiran 1986.Autolube Yamaha V75.
Dan perlu diketahui, meskipun mengadopsi teknologi yang dikatakan memiliki 2kekuatan nan konsumsi bahan bakar stroke yang rakus, itu ditolak oleh keduamotor. Untuk jarak 100 km tentu saja, Yamaha V50 autolube memperlukan bahan bakar hanya 1.4lt, sedangkan V75 hanya memperlukan autolube bahan bakar1.6lt saja. Hal ini dicapai dengan menggeber kecepatan motor dibatas dari 50 sampai 60 kilometer per jam. Yeahhh .... Tidak cukup ngirit lagi kemudian, tetapi bisa dikatakan ngirit sekali:-D.Autolube Yamaha V80 (CDI = 1982 s / d 1986).
Terakhir ... meskipun sekarang dapat dikatakan bermotor terancam punah, seperti 2 motor stroke lainKadang-kadang jika kita hidup di daerah pedesaanseperti saya, masih harus dapat melihat wara wiri, meskipun kondisi autolube 50 atau 75 adalah sangat memprihatinkan. Tapi harus diakui, perlahan tapi pastiadanya dua motor stroke akan dihancurkan oleh kehadiran motor 4-tak dengan teknologi yang katanya lebih ramah lingkungan dan konsumsi bahan bakarekonomis.

In English Language.

With two-step tech engine, 50cc - 70cc with air conditioning, using 3  gear, automatic clutch type wet, still rely platina with a 6V power source, and has the latest technology (time) in a matter of mixing the old system of fuel oil " autolube" . So the motor V50 and V75 (and later with a motorcycle Yamaha 2 stroke), for the use of oil is not blended into the fuel tangkibahan, but separate and uses its supply side of the oil pump moves come in accordance with the rotary engine. While the gas cap open and rev the engine up and down controls to adjust the flow of fuel to be mixed kebahan.Yamaha V50 autolube Gen 2
Not stopping diversion 50cc only. To give two options to the consumer at the time, making manufacturers take the initiative to include a motor that has a rather large public. In the same year, Yamaha V75 autolube to import freely diperjualkan diranahpermotoran our country. With a carrying capacity of 73cc engine, and equipped size of technology, as well as retaining the mixing system minyakdengan autolubenya side. Sister of V50, it is also involved in the field of  two motorcycle sales in Indonesia until 1978.  and over, V50 and V75 autolube has evolved into orbit V80periode autolube ending 1986.Autolube Yamaha V75.

And keep in mind, though adopting technology that is said to have distant second power stroke fuel consumption are greedy, it was rejected by both the motor. For a distance of 100 km, of course, in the need to autolube Yamaha V50 1.4lt fuel only, while the V75 is only in the need to autolube 1.6lt fuel only. This is achieved by the motor speeds be limited from 50 to 60 kilometers per hour. Yeahhh .... Not quite efficient again later, but it can be said to be efficient at all:-D.Autolube Yamaha V80 (CDI = 1982 s / d 1986).
Last ... although it can now be said motor endangered, like the other two stroke motors. Sometimes if we live in a rural area like me, still have to be able to see wara Wiri, although conditions autolube 50 or 75 is very alarming. But it must be admitted, slowly but surely the two stroke motors will be destroyed by the presence of 4-stroke engine with technology that he says is more environmentally friendly and economical fuel consumption.


During the late 1920s and 1930s, DKW was the world's largest motorcycle manufacturer In 1931, Ing Zoller started building split-singles and this concept made DKW the dominant racing motorcycle in the Lightweight and Junior classes between the wars. At the same time, the company also had some success with super-charged racing motorcycles.

The motorcycle branch of the company produced very famous models such as the RT 125 pre- and post-World War II, and after the war it still made 175, 250 and 350 models. As reparations after the war, the design drawings of the RT125 were given to Harley-Davidson in the US and BSA in the UK. 

The Harley-Davidson version was known as the Hummer, while BSA used them for the Bantam. IFA and later MZ models continued in production until the 1990s, when economics finally brought production of the two stroke to an end. Other manufacturers also copied the DKW design, officially or otherwise. This can be seen in the similarity of many small two-stroke motorcycles from the 1950s, including a product of Yamaha, Voskhod and Polish WSK.

Motor Langka - Horex (GERMAN) - Horex adalah produsen sepeda motor Jerman. Perusahaan ini didirikan pada tahun 1920 oleh perusahaan padatahun gelas Rex, dan Rex Homburg dikombinasikan untuk menciptakan nama merek. Kantor pusat terletak di Bad Homburg.

Horex membangun motor dengan Columbus mesin empat-stroke dari Oberursel. Pada tahun 1925 Horex dan Columbus bergabung. Horex mengembangkan berbagai model dengan mesin satu silinder 600cc ke dari250cc Columbus. Pada tahun 1933 itu menambahkan dua model mesin Lurus-dua: 600cc 800cc S6 dan S8. Kedua kembar memiliki valvegear rantai drivenOHC.

1955 Horex Imperator di Deutsches Zweirad-und NSU-Museum Neckarsulm

Perang Dunia II terganggu produksi sepeda motor, tetapi Horex kembali pada1948 350cc model single-silinder, SB 35 Regina. Model ini sangat sukses pada tahun 1953 sebagai Horex menjual 18.600 dari mereka. Dalam 1951Horex menambahkan 30 bhp 500cc OHC mesin Straight-dua disebut Imperator tersebut. Pada tahun 1954 itu menambahkan, 26 bhp versi 400cc (19 kW) kembar untuk mencapai. Pada tahun 1955 perusahaan mengganti penduduk Reginadengan.

Daimler-Benz mengambil alih perusahaan pada tahun 1960 dan menghentikan produksi sepeda motor.

Pada tanggal 15 Juni 2010, diumumkan bahwa merek akan diaktifkan kembalidan bahwa sepeda motor Horex dengan mesin sudut sempit, supercharged mesin enam silinder akan tersedia untuk dijual di Jerman, Austria dan Swiss pada akhirtahun 2011, dengan penjualan internasional untuk mengikuti . Selain baru supercharged mesin VR6, aluminium jembatan rangka dengan kepala kemudi baja membentuk sasis. Sebuah lengan ayun tunggal roda belakang kontrol, sementara tenaga mesin ditransfer oleh sistem penggerak sabuk

Like many of the Coventry makes, Triumph hadtheir roots in the bicycle industry, began motorcycle production in 1902. In 1908, they won the single-cylinder class at the TT races, the machine is powered by a 500cc engine designed by one of the founders of the perusahaanJerman, Maurice Schulte. After the First World War, Triumph also terlibatdengan car production, but once the flower has been released as a separate company founded in 1936 the marque became truly successful. This is due the first of the famous Speed ​​Twins, was launched in 1937 with vertical OHV engine. It is the ancestor of a large machine widely produced after the Second World War, especially the Thunderbirds and Bonnevilles.

Triumph is a dominant manufacturer in production racing throughout the sixties utilizing tuned versions of their already potent Model Bonneville untukmempengaruhi well. A "Thruxton" Bonneville had been marketed between 1965 1964dan incorporates a large number of optional performance parts as standard. In this theory section is available for anyone who wants to upgrade their machines to specification "Thruxton", but availability is often debated. Original "Thruxton" Bonneville is now very berhargakolektor items but the components necessary to convert the "Bonnie" to Thruxton specification standards are arguably easier to obtain today inidari 
Gilera history rooted in the early twentieth century. The first motorcycle to bear the name, VT 317, produced in 1909 by Giuseppe Gilera. The first motorcycle to bear the name, VT 317, produced in 1909 by Giuseppe Gilera. In the years after World War I, Gilera 500 cc motorcycle produces valves that side then won a major international race. In the years after World War I, Gilera produce 500 cc side valve motorcycle then won a major international race. From the mid-thirties production motorcycle with a valve in the crankcase, like "Bulloni Quattro 500" and "Otto Bulloni", begins. From the mid-thirties production motorcycle with a valve in the crankcase, such as "Quattro Bulloni 500" and "Otto Bulloni", began.The "Rondine", a futuristic racing cross bike with a 500 cc four-cylinder engine, dates to 1936. The "Rondine", cross racing bike with a 500 cc four-cylinder engine futuristic, dates to 1936. Several sets world record motorcycle (274,181 kph on the run flew in 1937: a record that remained unbeaten for almost two decades) and won the 1939 European Championship Dorino Serafini. Motor few world records (274.181 miles per hour on the run flew in 1937: a record that remained unbeaten for almost two decades) and won the 1939 European Championship Dorino Serafini. After the war the new Gilera Saturno Presented in 500 companies and medium-high-displacement motorcycles. After the war served Gilera Saturno 500 and a variety of new high-medium-displacement motorcycles. The four-cylinder 500 cc Being new winner: Umberto Masetti was world champion in 1950 and 1952, followed by Geoff Duke (three wins) and Liberati (one title). The four-cylinder 500 cc a new winner: Umberto Masetti was world champion in 1950 and 1952, followed by Geoff Duke (three wins) and Liberati (one title). Gilera also collected six championships winning producer, three Tourist Cups, seven Italian titles and won an impressive record by Bruno Francisci on race Milano-Taranto. Gilera also collected six wins championships producers, three Tourist Cups, seven Italian titles and won an impressive record by Bruno Francisci at Milano-Taranto race.In all Gilera Grand Prix won 44 international titles before dropping out of the race in 1957. In all Gilera Grand Prix won 44 international titles before dropping out of the race in 1957. It is also a strong Contender in off-road racing, dominating Some International Six Day races. It is also a strong contender in the off-road racing, dominating several International Six Day races. Standard production model medium displacement bikes like Giubileo, Rossa, Turismo and Sport. Standard models include media production-displacement bikes like Giubileo, Rossa, Turismo and Sport. In the span of a higher displacement, in addition to Saturno, double cylinder 300 deserves a mention. In the span of a higher displacement, in addition to Saturno, double cylinder 300 worth mentioning.In 1969 Gilera Piaggio Group Being part of a complete reconstruction. In 1969 Gilera Piaggio Group to be part of a complete reconstruction. It re-launched the brand historic double ring, transfer to production of small displacement and small-medium range and off-road model. It is re-launching the historic ring multiple brands, transfer to shift production of small and medium small and in a variety of off-road model. Innovation As the production of the ground breaking motorcycle 125cc Dual Cylinder Cross highlights Gilera name again, this time in a cross race. Innovations such as the production cross ground breaking 125cc motorcycles double cylinder Gilera highlighted name again, this time in racing lintas.http :/ /

Ever heard the name of BSA (Birmingham Small Army)?For collectors ninja from the old motor was familiar and had close relations with that name, because it looks old BSA motorcycles, BSA motorcycles last made ​​in 1973, as manufacturers went bankrupt and was bought rival  triumph and that there is a Birmingham Norton.As name and the title of the Army BSA is the equipment manufacturer (originally to make) tools in the British army.  native plant is ga just for motorcycles.  plant was first opened in 1863 and producing 20,000 Turkish soldiers pesenan weapons.  Place the plant in the city of Birmingham (that's why his name Birmingham Small Army - try in Konohagakure, called Small Konohagakure Army (KSA) huakakakak.)  In 1880 they started making two-wheeled transportation device that we call Bike pancal.  Yup, most motorcycle manufacturer created the first hehehe.  BSA began trying ( experiments) for motorcycles in 1905.  Currently, the BSA still synonymous with factory firearm because his firearm orders 1,200 units per week. In 1909 - after messing around for 4 years with a BSA motorcycle concept finally began producing motorcycles (motorcycle) while still producing bicycle crank and shuriken weapon.  O yeah almost forgot ...  BSA also make beautiful cars, but their cars to Indonesia especially for Konohagakure ga, how to model?  was like a normal British car in 1933.  They only made ​​3-wheel car, named BSA 3 Wheeler in 1939 - seen from car paint that seemed to make war Hokage hehehe. Back to BSA motorcycles.  's first motorcycle BSA BSA with power 3.5HP and exhibited at the Olympia Exhibition, dated October 21, 1910.  bicycles with engines Keep in mind that we call a motorcycle is a wonderful thing (to the west), as it is a bike where we do not have to crank to be able to run it.  hehehe. , 1928, BSA has been producing motorcycle 2 stroke, A28 - motor with 2 speeds (good oper gear teeth two already hehehe), in 1929 and 1930 A28 A29 A30 and replaced with the name of the only changes but the same bike wrote.  , 1931, BSA 2-stroke out new models, the A31 has a speed of 3. Unfortunately ga diparagraf types are produced, it is estimated that only writing a prototype made.  But not this second series merukapakna ancestor of BSA Bantam (series 2 BSA is not it).  Unfortunately BSA Bantam engine seems small, so lost with his Japanese 2 -stroke.  BSA Bantam Bushman recorded in 1969-1973 was the most kenceng BSA Bantam, 175cc motorcycle max speed is 65mph or about 105 mph,